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National Level Sensitisation Workshop on Fermented Organic Manures/Liquid FOM organized by ICAR-ATARI, Jodhpur

Date: March 23, 2025

ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute (ATARI), Jodhpur, successfully organised one day National Sensitisation Workshop on Fermented Organic Manures (FOM)/Liquid FOM)- Nature Positive Agriculture: Towards Healthy People and Planet at Rajasthan Agricultural Research Institute (RARI), Durgapura, Jaipur on 20th March, 2025. The inaugural session was presided over by Dr J. P. Mishra, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Jodhpur and Co-chaired by Dr Harphool Singh (Director, RARI, Durgapura) and Dr Pratap Singh (DEE, Agriculture University, Kota). The concluding session was Chaired by Dr. Balraj Singh, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, SKNAU, Jobner. Total 137 participants took part in the workshop. They included CBG representatives, nodal officers and Sr. Scientists & Heads of 25 KVKs of Rajasthan and Haryana, researchers of RARI, Durgapura and farmers of various KVKs. Director, ICAR-ATARI, Jodhpur in his address detailed out the concept, design and implementation strategy of project, awareness and demonstration on FOM/LFOM through KVKs’ in which 25 KVKs of Rajasthan and Haryana are partners. Dr. H.N. Meena, Principal Scientist & Nodal Officer of the project gave a broader outline of the project. Several KVKs highlighted the presence of non-functional CBG units in the district and requested change of CBGs. The discussions highlighted the prospects of FOM/LFOM and potential in enhancing crop yields, challenges and implementation issues in the project. All the three major stakeholders-researchers, extension personnel and representatives of CBG plants highlighted their experiences, challenges and scope of FOM/LFOM in agriculture with a broader aim of sustainability and profitability to farmers. The local coordination for the workshop was done by Dr. D.S. Bhati, Head, KVK, Ajmer in coordination of Team RARI, Durgapura. (Source: ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Jodhpur, Rajasthan).

Annual Review Meeting of DAPSC (SCSP) organised at ICAR-ATARI, Zone-II, Jodhpur

Date: January 13, 2025

In the inaugural session Dr. J. P. Mishra, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Zone-II, Jodhpur mentioned that the project of Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan is being implemented by ICAR-ATARI-II, Jodhpur since the year 2019-20 for scheduled caste dominating districts. He also focussed the demand of farmers vis-à-vis implementation of scheme by the system and stressed that footprint of KVK should deeply penetrate through intervention. The output analysis to be documented to exhibit footprint of KVKs with collaboration of ATARI/SAU/ICAR Institutions. The success stories are to be compiled, collated and interpreted with conversion to case studies by designing the same with objectives which are to be exhibited by 2025 for earmarking the 10 years of establishment of ATARI, he mentioned. The scheme need to focus more on to community-centric actions rather than individual centric interventions. Dr. Pradeep Pagaria, Director, Directorate of Extension Education, Agricultural University, Jodhpur mentioned the importance of the day, i.e., Kisan Diwas on which the review meeting is organised. He stated that there are about 17 per cent of scheduled caste population in the country. He informed the KVKs has to document the results of their activities in a proper way for providing inputs to policy makers. In the Annual Review Meeting Sr. Scientists & Heads of 17 KVKs (11 from Rajasthan and 6 from Haryana) and presented the progress made during 2023-24 and 2024-25 and Annual Action Plan for the year 2025-26. Source ICAR-ATARI, Zone-II, Jodhpur

Annual Review Meeting of DAPST inaugurated today at ICAR-ATARI, Zone-II, Jodhpur

Date: January 12, 2025

In the inaugural session Dr. J. P. Mishra, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Zone-II, Jodhpur mentioned that the Tribal community is the most disadvantaged and focus should be given on output and outcome of the DAPST project and the same should be analysed and inferences drawn/meaningful recommendations from the same must be reported for further improvement and implementation.

Sufficient fund flow is there for the project and the same must be utilised keeping in view of value for money and there should be tangible outcome with betterment of livelihood of the community.

Case studies of the project must be documented, he added. He also applauded that SAUs/ICAR Institutes and KVKs should work in convergence mode for implementation of the project..

Dr. R. L. Soni, Director of Extension Education, MPUAT, Udaipur gave an overview of tribal community of the Country, State and Districts of Rajasthan by mentioning that there is a total of 10.4 crore tribal population in India which is about 8.6% of total population and in Rajasthan with tribal population of 92.38 lakhs (13.8%) with 5700 villages in 24 districts of Rajasthan.

He emphasised on preparation of Annual Action Plan 2025-26 as per needs of the districts of Rajasthan particularly on Southern districts of Rajasthan.

Dr. P. Pagaria, Director of Extension Education, AU, Jodhpur mentioned that the project should execute extension programmes as per emphasis of recommendations of Government of India.

In the Annual Review Meeting 24 KVKs and two Directors of Extension Education will present their progress made during 2023-24 & 2024-25 and annual action plan for the year 2025-26 which will be thoroughly discussed and finalized.

Source ICAR-ATARI, Zone-II, Jodhpur

Annual Zonal Review Workshop of KVKs of Rajasthan, Haryana and Delhi inaugurated

Date: January 13, 2025

Prof. B. R. Kamboj, Vice Chancellor and Chief Guest elaborated the importance of vast network of KVKs. He expressed concern about the challenges in extension systems, which can be streamlined by development of multi-disciplinary expertise of each SMS of KVKs. He asked KVKs to think beyond boundaries with science remaining in the centre. Dr. M. M. Adhikary, Former VC, BCKV stated that KVKs are working 24 x 7 and are knowledge and information centre for agriculture of the district. The capacity development of KVK should be prioritized. He emphasized that the KVKs must take up efforts on agri-start ups, entrepreneurship development, feasibility study of trainings, climate resilient agriculture, drone application and FLD monitoring. Dr. S. K. Malhotra, VC, MHU, Karnal mentioned that KVKs should be treated a one stop solution of the district and KVKs should focus on knowledge depository, market/trade issues, high value crops/export potential crops, soil carbon improvement, etc. He also emphasized on validation of ITKs through KVKs. Dr. R. K. Singh, ADG (AE), ICAR emphasized upon cluster FLDs with role of KVKs in augmentation of production, removal of constrains in implementation of ARYA project, FPOs, introduction of climate resilient varieties through NICRA TDC, seed chain management, CRM, etc.. Dr. Ram Chand, Former ADG (AE), ICAR mentioned his concerns on competency development of KVKs, knowledge enhancement of KVK personnel, database development, feedback analysis, etc. Dr. J. P. Mishra, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Jodhpur welcomed the delegates and provided an overview. He highlighted his views on reducing chemical and carbon footprints, enhancing oilseeds and pulses production, identification of districts for implementation of PPV&FRA. He also mentioned that KVK system is the largest extension network in the country which is celebrating golden jubilee of its establishment of first KVK in the country. As most of the KVKs have completed their 40 years of establishment, there is a need for making analysis of KVK’s impact on growth of agriculture in the district and social benefits. Dr. R. G. Agrarwal, Chairman, Dhanuka Agritech mentioned that the problems of small and marginal farmers are to be addressed on priority. To reduce the gap in implementation help of ICT is required. To this regard, Public-Private-Partnership can play a great role. In the workshop a total of 23 publications of ATARI and KVKs were released. In the 3 days Annual Zonal Workshop 66 KVKs of Rajasthan, Haryana and Delhi and 7 Directors of Extension of SAUs will present the progress made by them during 2023.

Zonal Virtual Review Meeting of Farmer FIRST Programme organized by ICAR-ATARI-II, Jodhpur

Date: January 12, 2025

Zonal Virtual Review Meeting of Farmer FIRST Programme was organized by ICAR-ATARI-II, Jodhpur on 29 July 2024 on major theme of integrating technologies and enriching knowledge under the Chairmanship of Dr RR Burman, Assistant Director General (Agil. Extn.), ICAR New Delhi. The major objective of meeting was to review the on-going programme mainly on various approaches, processes, methodology and indicators, physical and financial progress, and also to discuss the operationalization mechanism.

Dr JP Mishra, Director, ATARI, Jodhpur in his statement discussed the diversified interventions implemented under various modules of technologies for efficient resource use to enhance income for sustainable livelihood of farm families and establishment of need based Integrated Farming System in prevailing situations. He stated that FFP is unique programme, holistic in nature, consisting of key constituents of Integrated Farming System which makes it inclusive programme. He stressed for coming out with scalable and bankable models out of FFP.

Dr RR Burman, ADG (AE) in his concluding remarks emphasised upon adoption and horizontal diffusion of technologies or successful models emerged out of FFP in convergence mode with State Agriculture Department in the selected villages. There is need to focus on impact assessment studies and institutionalization of FFP before closing the project. The appropriate process and products of FFP needs to be documented and evaluated, he stated.

Dr PP Rohilla, Nodal Officer, ATARI Jodhpur briefed about the major achievements during 2023 and urged that the documentation of seven years’ achievements projecting concrete outcomes to be provided to DKMA, New Delhi. The PIs from ICAR Institutes viz.; Dr(Mrs) Nishi Sharma, IARI New Delhi, Dr NK Jat, CAZRI, Jodhpur, Dr SS Dangi, CSWRI Avikanagar, Dr Ashok Boora, CIRB Hisar, Dr Rajkumar, CSSRI Karnal, Dr Gopal Sankhla, NDRI KarnaI, Dr Mukesh Kumar, IASRI New Delhi, Dr Shiv Kumar, NIAP New Delhi, Mrs Mitali Ghosh, DKMA New Delhi, Dr P. Venkatesan, NAARM Hyderabad and two State Agricultural Universities viz,; Dr Pradeep Pagaria, AU Jodhpur, Dr Bhupender Singh, CCSHAU along-with other Co-PIs attended the online meeting. Dr BL Jangid, Pr. Scientist proposed vote of thanks.

Zonal Review Workshop of KVKs under NICRA-TDC at ICAR-ATARI, Jodhpur 19-20 July 2024

Date: January 13, 2025

Two days Zonal Review Workshop of National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture Project for the Krishi Vigyan Kendra’s of Haryana and Rajasthan was jointly organized by ICAR- Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Zone-II, Jodhpur and ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad.

The achievements for the year 2023-24 and action plans for 2024-25 of 18 KVKs having NICRA projects in Haryana and Rajasthan were reviewed during the programme. The Chairman, Dr. JP Mishra, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Zone-II, Jodhpur emphasized upon initiating new interventions models which have direct effect in the climate vulnerability of the given district. He highlighted that soil testing is crucial for climate-friendly agriculture, setting targets, educating farmers, and providing training to farmers, farm women, and youth can help to promote awareness and encourage sustainable agriculture practices. Further he opined that livestock based farming system and resource conservation technologies must be focused in arid region under NICRA-TDC. These interventions under NICRA should be aligned with existing cropping practices of the region based on vulnerability. Dr (Mrs) G. Pratibha. National Coordinator, NICRA-TDC elaborated how to proceed step by step for implementation of different modules and ways for developing district adaptation plan and procurement of those equipment’s which are more in demand by the farming community under CHC for adopted villages. Dr. Sudesh Kumar, Director Extension, SKNAU, Jobner, highlighted the NICRA project, which has been operating in climate-vulnerable districts of Haryana and Rajasthan since 2011, aiming to promote climate-resilient agricultural technologies. He appraised that deterioration of natural resources due to changing climate is to be taken care, especially land and water. Dr. P.P. Rohilla, Principle Scientist (LPM), ICAR-ATARI, Jodhpur coordinated the zonal review workshop. Dr. A.K. Indoria, Co-PI, NICRA, ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad and Sr. Scientist & Head and Subject Matter Specialist of 18 KVK of Rajasthan and Haryana participated in the review workshop.