About Institute
On the eve of golden jubilee year of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, Zonal Coordination Unit at Jodhpur was established in 1979 to monitor the transfer of technology projects. Zonal Coordination Unit was upgraded as Zonal Project Directorate (ZPD) in March, 2009 and later upgraded as ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute (ATARI), Jodhpur in 2015. Presently, ICAR-ATARI, Jodhpur is engaged in planning, monitoring, reviewing & supporting ICAR initiated technology dissemination projects mainly Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) located in Rajasthan, Haryana and Delhi.
The major functions of ICAR-ATARI, Jodhpur are: planning, monitoring and reviewing the activities of 61 KVKs of the zone; to identify, prioritize and implement various activities related to technology integration and dissemination; coordinating with SAUs, ICAR institutes/organizations, line departments and voluntary organizations in the zone for implementation of KVK mandated activities; and facilitating financial and infrastructural support to KVKs for effective functioning.
The region is characterized by low and erratic rainfall, frequent droughts, high summer temperatures, high wind velocity resulting in higher evapo-transpiration. Region has poor sandy soils, undulating topography having high sand dunes, limited availability of good quality ground water and increasing biotic pressure. From ancient times, animal rearing has been the main occupation of the people but arable farming has also been in vogue for the fulfilment of ever increasing food requirement.