Annual Zonal Review Workshop of KVKs of Rajasthan, Haryana and Delhi inaugurated
Date: Monday January 13, 2025
Prof. B. R. Kamboj, Vice Chancellor and Chief Guest elaborated the importance of vast network of KVKs. He expressed concern about the challenges in extension systems, which can be streamlined by development of multi-disciplinary expertise of each SMS of KVKs. He asked KVKs to think beyond boundaries with science remaining in the centre.
Dr. M. M. Adhikary, Former VC, BCKV stated that KVKs are working 24 x 7 and are knowledge and information centre for agriculture of the district. The capacity development of KVK should be prioritized. He emphasized that the KVKs must take up efforts on agri-start ups, entrepreneurship development, feasibility study of trainings, climate resilient agriculture, drone application and FLD monitoring.
Dr. S. K. Malhotra, VC, MHU, Karnal mentioned that KVKs should be treated a one stop solution of the district and KVKs should focus on knowledge depository, market/trade issues, high value crops/export potential crops, soil carbon improvement, etc. He also emphasized on validation of ITKs through KVKs.
Dr. R. K. Singh, ADG (AE), ICAR emphasized upon cluster FLDs with role of KVKs in augmentation of production, removal of constrains in implementation of ARYA project, FPOs, introduction of climate resilient varieties through NICRA TDC, seed chain management, CRM, etc..
Dr. Ram Chand, Former ADG (AE), ICAR mentioned his concerns on competency development of KVKs, knowledge enhancement of KVK personnel, database development, feedback analysis, etc.
Dr. J. P. Mishra, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Jodhpur welcomed the delegates and provided an overview. He highlighted his views on reducing chemical and carbon footprints, enhancing oilseeds and pulses production, identification of districts for implementation of PPV&FRA. He also mentioned that KVK system is the largest extension network in the country which is celebrating golden jubilee of its establishment of first KVK in the country. As most of the KVKs have completed their 40 years of establishment, there is a need for making analysis of KVK’s impact on growth of agriculture in the district and social benefits.
Dr. R. G. Agrarwal, Chairman, Dhanuka Agritech mentioned that the problems of small and marginal farmers are to be addressed on priority. To reduce the gap in implementation help of ICT is required. To this regard, Public-Private-Partnership can play a great role.
In the workshop a total of 23 publications of ATARI and KVKs were released.
In the 3 days Annual Zonal Workshop 66 KVKs of Rajasthan, Haryana and Delhi and 7 Directors of Extension of SAUs will present the progress made by them during 2023.